Sunday, December 27, 2009

Don't Look Back

This is a picture of me and my friend Amber. . . I love her dearly . . . We have known each other for the past 3 years . . . She has been one of the few people who has supported everything I have done. We are both brutally honest people . . . and you would think it would break a friendship . . . if anything it shows us that we can really count on each other. :) My latest thing is trying to lose weight. . . I want to be healthy again . . . my goal right now . . is to just get under 200 . . . I don't want to crash diet . . . I want to lose the weight and have it stay gone . . . that would be amazing. . . and with such a supportive friend I know that it will be possible.

So Amber . . . thanks for being a friend to me . . . when it seemed like no one else understood. For making time to listen to me complain and for always having the right words to say.


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Penny For Your Thoughts

Over the past couple weeks my Husband and I noticed our fun loving hyper-active cat acting funny . . . getting sick a lot . . . walking two feet and laying down. We eliminated all of the problems we thought it could have been. . .the new food . . . old drippy faucet . . . Christmas tree . . .etc . . Jason and I had company over and everyone was saying Riley looked sad . . . and was acting weird . . then I knew it wasn't just me being over protective . . something was wrong . . so I took Riley to the vet . . Thank God my sister came with me. We found out that my darling kitty thought that eating a penny would be good for him . . . . little did he know the copper was slowly starting to kill him . . . and that he would have to get sent to the Vet. Hospital to have an emergency surgery done to remove the not so yummy snack my baby ate. . . who knew a penny would cost 1,200. Please be praying that when he comes home he does not rip out the stitches . . . and that everything stays in place so he doesn't have to go back into surgery. . . . and that he will not eat any more pennies!!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Family And The Holidays

Spending time with the family is much a big part of the Holiday season . . . going over to peoples houses . . . friends coming over to your house . . . it's all about sharing these memorable moments with the people you love. Yet we also know the holidays for the drama it brings . . . grumpy shoppers . . . fruit cakes . . . . family you don't want to see . . . over spending . . etc.
It's interesting being in the middle . . where you are super excited yet you want it all to go away so life can return to normal. Thanksgiving this year was one for the books . . my husband and I just bought our first house . . and invited both sides of the family over to share in the amazing blessing God has given us this year . . which we are so thankful for. . . . well only my family came to our amazing two turkey dinner with stuffing-gravy-and-all-the-fixins . . . After dinner we visited the other side of the family and came home upset and sad. It wouldn't be a true blue holiday without drama would it? Nothing says "we are happy to have you here" like a rude in your face talking to about blowing off the family for another Holiday when you are standing in their kitchen . . . on said blown off holiday. I am praying Christmas will be different. . . . my heart is heavy . . . . I love both sides of my family . . . but how do you show love to a side that hurts you because it seems they didn't get their way?
Christmas is 5 days away . . . I can't wait to see my husbands face when he opens his gifts. . . . What makes me most excited is when we have kids . . how they will react to Christmas . . . and the Holiday season. I hope I am able to instill in my kids the true meaning of Christmas . . . to give from the heart and not out of obligation . . . and how to enjoy every moment even if you are not happy.
I pray that every one's Holiday will be filled with joy and laughter . . . and there will be no heavy hearts . . . no sadness . . . and no drama.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Wandering Mind

I hate the days you can't think straight. Your mind has 4 million check lists . . 2 million to do lists . . and a pile of things that have to be done. Yet you sit there on overload before you even started doing anything. That has how my brain feels lately . . . completely swamped with everything . . . I need time to clear my head before Christmas comes . . . There have been many events that have happened . . good, bad, and ugly. . . . from family drama to buying a house . . . it's been an emotional roller coaster . . one I have been on too many times before. I am taking my friends to the airport today . . then meeting a friend for a late lunch . . . . and coming home wrapping presents . . . and then nothing . . sweet sweet nothing.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas Is In The Air

For me Christmas is one of the most exciting times of the year . . . I get to go out and shop . . and give people gifts that I know they will love. Christmas is about the birth of our loving Savior and about having an open and loving heart. To me what makes the perfect Christmas is fresh snow crunching under my feet . . . seeing the look on my families faces when they open their gifts . . . singing down the 12 days of Christmas . . . and drinking hot chocolate while carols are playing. Something magical happens around this time of year . . I wish everyone would be this happy and giving all year round. It's something to strive for . . .


Sunday, October 4, 2009

As The Flowers Fade

Ah . . Fall . . . It's such an amazing time of year . . . Leaves change . . . the air gets crisp . . . and the vibrant colors fade. To be replaced with a whole bunch of new colors. I can't wait to for my few photo shoots I have coming up . . I can't wait for the Oranges, Reds, and Yellows to start popping up all over the place!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Baby It's Been A While

So I have not done a very good job of keep this up. So I figured I would take some time to write a quick message a post a picture.

Life has been doing it's thing being crazy and usual and throwing cruve balls left and right. From having a great job to no job . . . back to a job . . then to two jobs . . . looking for houses . . . and my air mattress breaking . . . .it's been very eventful!

These 3 munchkins above and one of the two families I Nanny for . . . I was trying to figure out how to create a black and white picture with only seeing them and no back ground . . . I think I did pretty good for my first try! :D


Friday, July 10, 2009

It's been to long my love.

I have not been on here for a while . . life has gotten in the way. I hate it when it does that. . . I was looking through some of my older pictures and I found this one of me . . and I love it . . I personally like the fact is seems mysterious . . . and dramatic. :) lol . . . On the lighter side of things . . I have decided to start up an Esty account . . to see if anyone will buy my pictures. *crossing fingers* . . . I hope it works.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Thinking Can Be Dangerous.

As of right now I am bored out of my mind . . and Ashley is singing to the high heavens . . . Sorry Elton John . . my sister isn't doing your song any justice. I am personally thinking about running away for the day and go out shopping/window shopping at Fairlane Greens Shopping Center . . no . . it is not a cheesy thrift store filled the 60's and 70's apparel nor is it dollar store busting at the seems with items that will break in the bag as you walk to your car . . it is indeed the place where people decided to make all the stores a million times bigger than they need to be. :) So it is a little slice of heaven. My sister and I call it "The Hill" . . . reason being . . it's located on a massive hill . . or maybe its a small mountain . . either or . . I love it. . there are hundreds of stores that I could wonder . . . tons of places for me to escape from this rainy boring day.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Nylin Family <3

I have been a Photo taking machine!! lol I am so blessed to have had these opportunities to capture those moments for my family and friends. I feel honored . . . . and tired! :)


Mr. & Mrs. Fauls <3

This weekend has been horribly busy, but I have loved every minuet of it!! These are just some of the pictures from my cousins Wedding I shot.


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Riley James

This is my other amazing cat . . Riley James . . Jason and I rescused him from my parents neighbors . . they were abusing him horribly. Riley is not your typical cat . . he plays fetch . . does back flips . . and will chatter at you when he wants something. lol . . He is the cutie and a show stealer! But him and Mozart get along wonderfuly!

Mozart Alexander

This is one of my amazingly cute cats . . . Mozart Alexander . . . he is so cute and stole my heart from day one! We got him when he was old 4 weeks old . . his mom was hit by a car . . and the owner didn't want the kittens . . . So Jason and I took him in a heart beat! He is a normal cat . . stuck up . . but oh so sweet. And he loves his brother Riley James. :) (next post :D)

Choosing The Path Of Growth

Ever just sit and think about your life . . where you are today . . where you have come from . . and where you will go? Have you ever wondered what would life be like if you took a different path . . . or took a chance when given the opportunity . . . Has the thought ever crossed your mind you wish you didn't do something . . . to change how you feel today?

Many times I think and just ponder stuff in my head . . I love my life, my husband, my family . . . but there are things I have done . . or more things I haven't done . . that I wish I could change. If I could go back in time . . I'd be more adventurous and not let my panic attacks ruin a good time. . or let the anxiety get the best of me. My whole life I was fearful of just about everything . . loud noises . . massive groups of people . . . going in stores alone. . . people coughing, sneezing, puking . . . strange men . . being forgotten . . . seriously if it wasn't for the fact I was like 9 and I had to go places with my mom . . I'd be a bubble person.

I have come such a long way from where I was . . but I'm not at the place I'd like to be. When I was first married and I had to go grocery shopping alone I had to talk myself out of crying or flipping out because there are tons of people in there. Having to go places alone has helped me get over that fear. I am a fearful person with the willingness to get over it. I don't think people get it when I have my panic attacks my body physical aches . . .and I am frozen solid . . . and I am pretty much useless in any and all situations.

I have grown a ton and I am very proud of myself . . . but when I look back when I was younger . . I wish I had the courage then to not let my fears take over . . you have no idea how my concerts or events I asked my dad if we could go outside and sit in the car because I was overwhelmed with fear to the point I could hardly breathe . . . it was always a good excuse that the "smoke machines are affecting my asthma" lol I think I am came up with just about every excuse to leave the building . . or party . . or what not . . . now you can't get me to leave! :) I think one of the worse things that has happened to me . . which isn't horrible . . . but anyway . . one thing that always gets me is being forgotten . . that someone wont remember me . . or that they forget I am there . . well I was at the dentist for an Ortho exam . . I was like 15 . . . and Kim (the lady that help with my braces) said she's be right back . . . so I am laying practically upside down in the dentist chair as we all have done . . can't move . . and I'm like . . ok . . everything will be fine . . she will be back . . and I will leave . . . knowing my mom was out in the waiting room helped easy my worry . . . after sometime I started to sweat . . and panic set in . . . where is she . . why hasn't she come back . . . and I was in the last room . . so you can imagine all the thought of being forgotten going through my head. lol . . . So someone walks by. . . and I am like "Ummmm . . can you let someone know I am still back here" . . and the lady jumped . . because she didn't realize I was there . . . and I didn't realize I was laying upside down for 2 hours . . while the lady took a lunch/smoking break! Needless to say I survived being forgotten . . and Kim no longer works for my Dentist! lol

I think that was the breaking point for me . . I survived that . . what else can I over come . . . and after that I have been a little bit more daring . . . and little bit more care free . . . and I took things in stride! Now I am a random, semi-outgoing person, and I feel a whole lot better about myself. :)

Today I face my giants . . .
Today I will conquer my fears . . .
Today I will win all my battles . . .
Today I choose the path of growth . . .
By - Laura Fauls ~ 10-28-05
(fyi Fauls is my maiden name)


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

How Lovely To Be A Woman.

Oh how I love a day of pampering! Hair, Makeup, Nails . . Sigh* :) It makes every girl a little bit happier . . and a little bit more satisfied with herself!
I love it when I paint my nails . . and I get all dressed up and go out somewhere! It makes me feel important . . and special. Every woman needs that feeling of special . . to be uplifted and feel pretty.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

I was hanging out with my friend the other day . . . and we went outside . . and I saw these beautiful flowers . . and I kept smelling them and looking at them . . and my friend says to me she has never seen the beauty in them . . and thinks they are ugly . . lol . . so I grab my camera and take a few pictures . . and she was like . . well . . when you look at them like that they look good! lol! It just goes to show . . . everything can look good.


My Hobby.

So back in December . . . my friend taught me how to knit. . . and this is all I have done so far since then . . but I am proud of it! I love seeing my hard work make something beautiful. Maybe one day we will actually be able to use it! lol. One thing I love about knitting is when done right . . it is one of the most relaxing thing I can think of . . . and when you get the rhythm down it's almost effortless.

My sister and I were driving home the other day . . . when we saw this little store "Neighborhood Knits" . . . we decided to go back and look at it . . sadly it was closed . . so we are planning on going back to see whats inside . . . the sign says they offer classes for knitting . . . my sister wants to sign us up for sure . . lol :) I'd like to learn how to do a pattern . . and how to make my blanket a square . . not the circle it's turning out to be. lol

All of this talk about knitting has me itching to do so! Good-Day.


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Pointy Toe Shoe Brigade

I was never one to like pointy shoes . . . I looked at them in the mall windows and laughed at those who wore them . . . "They look like witches shoes" Id' say . . . . sadly enough . . these are my white pointy shoes. I own 2 pairs . . . and I can't get enough. They are comfortable . . and I now am coming around to the idea they are cute.

Sisterly Love

My sister and I have always been goofballs . . . when I was sick my sister would put on a show called "Silly Things" . . . to make me laugh and help me feel better. We always got each other in trouble . . or make a pact that we wouldn't tell on each other for a whole week . . needless to say that lasted an hour with us! :) Beside all kiddy drama . . . I love my sister very much! She's the one that inspired me too go into Photography.

I love you Ashley . . . and yes . . you are a much better friend then Elmo! ;)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Summer Nights Blow Me Away . . .

I love the sound of the waves crashing on the shore . . .
I love the smell of the salt water air . . .
I love the feel of the sand in between my toes. . .
I love to sit on the dock and let the cool water wrap around my legs . . .
It's my escape from the world . . .
It's my quite place . . .
All put together . . it's an ever lasting embrace.

Monday, June 1, 2009

HoneyMoon in Jamaica <3

I LOVE these photos!! It was an amazing experience.

Easy Share CX7300

Here are some of my favorite pictures from my Kodak point and shoot.


A day is the past.

I was looking at all my pictures trying to find a good one to post today . . and I am across my Wedding bouquet . . . this was the first picture I ever took with my Canon XTI Rebel . . . And I fell is love with it. I used for many years my Kodak Easy Share CX7300 . . it's only a 3.2 MP . . so you can see why I fell in love with my Canon . . it's a 10 MP lol. I am looking into get a different point and shoot camera to carry with me at all times . . I see so many amazing things that inspire me, but I don't want to have this huge camera on me at all times. I was looking at some of the Canons and Nikons . . . . but nothing compares to my Rebel. lol I am also looking into getting a better flash and better lens . . but all in due time. I am very excited . . . get to take some friends of mine family & maternity pictures. :) Needless to say I have been doing a lot of research . . and I have a ton of ideas . . I can't wait to post them. :)


Saturday, May 30, 2009

Bananagrams Gone Wrong.

My husband, my sister, and I . . . were playing a fun filled game of Bananagrams . . . and it turned into the Adventures of Dipsy Dwfin . . lol . . oh how I love us.


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Baptism In A Bottle

Ever wonder how to get rid of your sins. . .

Ever thought cleanliness is close to Godliness, but you could never get there yourself?. . .

Well here is your chance to experience the wonders of "Wash Away Your SINS" Bubble Bath

It's Bishop Tested . . It's Cardinal Approved . . It's yours! Just pour some of Wash Away Your SINS into your next bubble bath . . And feel it's mighty power cleansing you inside and out . . and come out feeling refreshed and holy! With a Fresh scent of lavender. *disclaimer- 'Wash away your SINS . . . does not actually wash away your sins, you must ask God to forgive you, this is to give you the 'feeling' of being clean* . . Wash Away Your Sins . . can be YOURS . . for a small fee of $9.99 plus shipping and handling.

Now that my commercial is over . . I am just laughing . . My sister and I were up very late cleaning her room the other night . . and this was just one of many treasures we found. Her friend gave it to her as a birthday present. lol . . . I think it's the stupidest/funniest thing ever. lol I had to take a picture of it and share it.


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Girly Girl

Make up is one of the best thing ever made. Sadly this picture didn't exactly come out the way I wanted it to, but I still think it's a good one.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Sushi = Love

I took this with my phone while I was on a date with my hubby. Yummy!! :P

Congrats Steph & Joe *ahem* Mr. & Mrs. Kolb.

Giving the Bride Away


Their first kiss ever <3

First Dance

And they lived happily ever after . . .

I am so happy and proud of you guys. You can tell God is in the center of your life and that you two are ment to be together. I love you both very much!