Friday, June 19, 2009

Thinking Can Be Dangerous.

As of right now I am bored out of my mind . . and Ashley is singing to the high heavens . . . Sorry Elton John . . my sister isn't doing your song any justice. I am personally thinking about running away for the day and go out shopping/window shopping at Fairlane Greens Shopping Center . . no . . it is not a cheesy thrift store filled the 60's and 70's apparel nor is it dollar store busting at the seems with items that will break in the bag as you walk to your car . . it is indeed the place where people decided to make all the stores a million times bigger than they need to be. :) So it is a little slice of heaven. My sister and I call it "The Hill" . . . reason being . . it's located on a massive hill . . or maybe its a small mountain . . either or . . I love it. . there are hundreds of stores that I could wonder . . . tons of places for me to escape from this rainy boring day.

1 comment:

  1. its actually built on an old memorial.

    and elton should be proud to have my angelic voice singing his songs.

