Tuesday, May 11, 2010

There Is Only One Way Up

I love listening to music . . . today I was listening to the song "Song For The Lonely" by Cher . . yes I said it . . Cher . . . who I thought my whole life was a guy singing until I was like 10 . . . but in the song . . I think it's turned the beginning . . she said "you're stand on the edge to no where and theres only one way up" . . . and thinking about it . . . everyone always thinks that sometimes your only option is to fail . . and with that mentality you will . . . but if you view life and you can only move upwards . . . you might actually surprise yourself. I love the saying . . "Don't tell me the skies the limit when there is foot steps on the moon" . . . . cause it's true . . you can always go farther than you think you can . . you can press in harder than before . . you can have more motivation and strength than you ever thought possible . . but it starts with you . . and your out look . . and how you view where you are . . and how you will get to where you need to be. It's up to us to be our own challenger . . . it's up to us to be out greatest opponent and beat ourself at our own game. It's all how you look at it . . how you view life will make your break you.


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